ENGLISHstay Team
Contacts of ENGLISHstay z.ú.
ENGLISHstay z.ú.
IČ 04497538
Tax number CZ04497538
The company is not a VAT payer.
Spisová značka U 302 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
Bank account CZK
Account: 2600882640 / 2010 Fio bank IBAN: CZ2620100000002600882640 SWIFT (BIC): FIOBCZPPXXX
Address od bank:
Fio banka, a.s.,
V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1
Bank account EUR
Account: 2200882641 / 2010 Fio bank
IBAN: CZ1720100000002200882641 SWIFT (BIC): FIOBCZPPXXX
Address of bank:
Fio banka, a.s.,
V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1
Havlíčkova 127,
Beroun – centrum 266 01
Contact address:
Havlíčkova 127,
Beroun – centrum 266 01
Our office:
Mostecká 273/21,
Praha 1 118 00
Contacts of ENGLISHstay SERVICE s.r.o.
IČ 06161898
Tax number CZ06161898
The company is not a VAT payer.
Spisová značka C 277279 vedená u Městského soudu v Praze
Bank account CZK
Account: 2401236451 / 2010 Fio bank IBAN: CZ8620100000002401236451 SWIFT (BIC): FIOBCZPPXXX
Address of bank:
Fio banka, a.s.,
V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1
Bank account EUR
Account: 2501236459 / 2010 Fio bank IBAN: CZ1120100000002501236459 SWIFT (BIC): FIOBCZPPXXX
Address of bank:
Fio banka, a.s.,
V Celnici 1028/10, Praha 1
Havlíčkova 127,
Beroun – centrum 266 01
Datová schránka:
We established our non-profit company with the aim of raising the English language literacy of young students by enabling them to interact with native English speakers in a multi-cultural exchange. The Czech Republic is particularly well-suited for our program: it is located in the heart of Europe and, as a transit country with thousands of years of tradition and history, it is a center of learning and culture that attracts people from all over the world. By arranging for English-speaking volunteers to meet, listen to and speak with Czech children, we intend, not only to foster English language literacy, but also to broaden the children’s horizons, enrich their lives and encourage them to feel more at home in the world.
The focus of our ENGLISHstay program for adults is English language immersion with a cultural twist. For six days and nights, in lovely rural Czech venues, we sequester Czech participants with native English-speaking volunteers. For approximately 70 hours, the students and English speaking native speakers talk and listen to each other entirely in English, all the while sharing in fun and educational activities. By week’s end, the Czech students all evidence growth in self-confidence and English-language proficiency. In addition, everyone’s cultural understanding has been greatly enhanced!